# Money Don't save credit card details on online store websites. Manually type credit card details every time you need to make a purchase. This strategy can be useful to avoid impulse purchases. Don't use credit cards. Use debit cards instead. Leave your cash and credit cards at home when you don't really need them. You can't buy anything on impulse if you don't have money on you. Avoid debt. Get out of debt as soon as you can. Pay highest interest debts first. Don't buy lottery tickets. If you have a good relationship with your parents, consider living with them instead of living on your own. Avoid eating out (e.g. restaurants, coffee shops, pubs). Eat at home and prepare food yourself. Don't buy coffee from the coffee shop. Make your own coffee, instead. Cut your own hair. Alternatively, have a friend, a relative or your partner do it. Exercise at home instead of paying for a gym membership. Pay your bills on time. Avoid late fees. Instead of buying books, check them out from a library. Don't buy souvenirs. Don't buy items just because they are cheap. Only buy items that you really need. Find frugal ways to entertain yourself. Don't think of shopping as a way to cope with boredom. Avoid spending money on things such as museums, concerts, movies, theaters, etc. Bring your lunch at work. Don't buy luxury items (e.g cars, watches, houses, yachts, clothes, paintings, jewelry). If you already have some luxury items, sell them. Don't buy makeup products. Avoid buying foods or drinks from vending machines. Don't fall victim to lifestyle inflation. Don't shop unless you need something specific. Cancel unused subscriptions. If you don't need an item urgently, write it down on a list and wait a few days or weeks before buying it. Before buying something, use what you already have in your house. Don't go to the grocery store when you're hungry. Don't pay the television license (only if doing that is legal in your country). Minimize spending money on ceremonies (e.g. weddings, funerals, graduations, awards). It doesn't make any sense to consume large amounts of financial or other kinds of resources for the sake of non-essential things. Don't buy gifts for other people, especially if you're not sure the recipients will like those gifts. Of course, you should tell people that they don't have to buy gifts for you, as well. Don't feel envious towards very wealthy people (e.g. millionaires, billionaires) that hoard more money for themselves than is needed for living a good and satisfactory life while at the same time actively preventing lots of other people to get desperately needed money. Therefore, if you have a lot of surplus money, it is your duty to carefully research which organizations to donate it to. You should aim to maximize your positive contribution to solving the most important issues (e.g. poverty, carnism, climate change).