
My name is Francesco Turco. I'm a 38-year-old guy living in a small town in Italy.

Free software

I believe in the free software philosophy. I think proprietary software is unethical and should not exist. I try to avoid proprietary software as much as possible, but unfortunately I haven't managed to completely eradicate it from my life yet. My favorite operating system is OpenBSD, which I use on my primary computer (a desktop). I also use Alpine Linux on my less powerful secondary computer (a laptop).


I became vegan in 2013, when I realized that humans are systematically harming and killing billions of innocent animals every year for entirely selfish reasons. Contributing to the eradication of all forms of animal exploitation is a moral imperative for me.


I'm an atheist. I don't believe in the existence of gods or any other supernatural entity that is not subject to the laws of physics. I completely reject religions and any other belief system that is not based on rationality and empirical evidence.


I believe the world needs degrowth. Most countries should drastically reduce the amount of energy and other resources they consume (especially fossil fuels). Unrestricted economic growth is not an acceptable goal, because it has catastrophic environmental effects.


I hate consumerism and those that profit from it, such as most media companies and the advertising industry. I'm opposed to wasting money or resources on any kind of useless or wasteful purpose (e.g. Christmas gifts, luxury vehicles, oversized houses, jewelry, fast fashion).


I have never had a car, and I never will. I have never taken a flight, and I have no plan to do so in the future. I walk a lot, and I take public transportation only for destinations that cannot be reached by foot, either due to safety concerns (i.e. lack of sidewalks) or excessive distance (i.e. more than 5-6 kilometers).